C3D while it has been released there may still be instabilities that i am not aware off! if you find any please contact me so they can be resolved.
discord: 9551Dev#5787
C3D is an advanced 3D Renderer for ComputerCraft. It provides the ability to load .obj files and apply textures.
How to download: wget run https://github.com/9551-Dev/C3D/raw/master/installer.lua
actual usage:
after you run the installer a new folder called libC3D and a c3d.lua file will be created. libC3D is a folder containing essential core files and the actual libraries code while c3d.lua is sort of a "client" to run your programs using C3D.
to run a program type
c3d <foldername>
this folder must contain a main.lua file with your code and other stuff -
to have a program run C3D without having it be in a folder you can require c3d.lua and run the
local C3D = require("c3d") C3D.run(function() -- awesome code end)
Examples will be found in the examples
directory, currently still working on them.
c3d | This is not really an module but functions directly attached to the c3d table |
c3d.camera | The camera module is used for working around with camera objects and the scenes camera |
c3d.event | The event module is mainly used internally for sharing data across the engine. |
c3d.geometry | The geometry module is used for getting default basic shapes. |
c3d.graphics | The graphics module is used for image and rendering settings related things, such as texture loading and starting frame ... |
c3d.interact | The interact module allows you to get things from the 3D scene from screen coordinates. |
c3d.keyboard | The keyboard module is used for checking for inputs and interactions from the user |
c3d.log | The log module can be used to interact with the C3D log which is saved in libC3D/c3d. |
c3d.mesh | Goes along the raw mesh object. |
c3d.mouse | the mouse module is used for getting inputs from the mouse. |
c3d.palette(module) | Module to go along with the palette object |
c3d.perspective | the perspective module is used for manipulating the cameras perspective in the scene |
c3d.pipe | the pipe module is used to modify and manipulate the rendering pipeline by adding or changing functions inside of it |
c3d.plugin | the plugin module can be used to load plugins and do thing with them. |
c3d.registry | the registry module is ment to be used by plugins for getting registries and making new entires |
c3d.scene | the scene module is used for changing things in the 3D scene and adding new geometries |
c3d.shader | the shader module provides a bunch of tools for creating your own custom shaders and also the default shaders so they ca... |
c3d.sys | few C3D system related functions |
c3d.thread | the thread module is used for multitasking and sharing data across "channels" IMPORTANT: you can use the threaderror cal... |
c3d.timer | a bunch of FPS and time related things |
c3d.vector | the vector library adds a bunch of common vector operations along with metatable methods to make them convinient. |
c3d.errorhandler | A callback function which gets ran when your program causes an exception. |
c3d.init | Special callback dedicated to modifying things before C3D itself inicializes. |
c3d.load | A function that gets ran the moment the main loop of the 3D engine starts you can use it to load assets/models/generate ... |
c3d.on_event | A function that gets ran when an event is fired within CraftOS and gets provided with the unpacked event data. |
c3d.postrender | This callback function can be used to draw some overlay on top of the rendered screen. |
c3d.quit | Used for detecting when the user tries to quit the application by terminating it using the Ctrl+T shortcut. |
c3d.render | This function gets called right before the 3D scene is drawn but after the 3D engine finishes a frame. |
c3d.run | The default main loop that the library uses for frame updates. |
c3d.screen_render | Allows you to set your own way of drawing the rendered scene to the screen. |
c3d.threaderror | This callback is called when a thread object from the thread module thread object has an exception happen. |
c3d.update | This callback should be used for updating the sceene and states of it. |
c3d.keypressed | A callback function which gets called when you press key on the keyboard or when you have the key held down this gets tr... |
c3d.keyreleased | Happens when a keyboard key has been released. |
c3d.mousemoved | This callback is a bit more complicated. |
c3d.mousepressed | A callback function which gets ran when any mouse button is pressed you can also easily use it to handle things like dou... |
c3d.mousereleased | A callback function triggered when the user releases a pressed mouse button i terms of arguments and how it works it is ... |
c3d.on_event | A function that gets ran when an event is fired within CraftOS and gets provided with the unpacked event data. |
c3d.resize | Callback that gets fired when a change in the terminal size is detected. |
c3d.textinput | A really simple callback function for when characters are pressed. |
c3d.wheelmoved | A callback function which gets ran when you scroll the mouse wheel. |
animated_texture | the methods for the animated_texture object |
camera_object | the methods for the camera object |
generic_shape | definition of a 3D geometry along with some methods |
imported_model | the object you get when you import a model from a model file. |
material | allows you to load and decode . |
palette | the palette object is used by the image library to apply quantized palettes using tail calls. |
plugin | The plugin object is what you get when you create a new plugin in C3D. |
raw_mesh | the raw_mesh object is a convinient tool for making optimized meshes for C3D. |
registry_entry | simple object used for identifying entries within registries. |
scene_object | The scene object is used to interact with the 3D models in the scene. |
sprite_sheet | the methods for the sprite_sheet object |
texture | a loaded texture object. |
example.shader | shaders can be quite tricky but are very powerful once you learn to use them. |
example.texturing | here i will show how to put the CC:T logo (https://tweaked.cc/pack.png ) on a spinning cube |
example.thread | the thread library is meant to be used for multitasking and sending data across your program using channels. |
enabling_debug | a small showcase of how to enable the C3D debug mode |
geometry_flags | there are several flags you can asign to your geometry, here is a list of them |
sprite_sheet_settings | there are several flags you can asign to your geometry, here is a list of them |
texture_load_settings | The settings used when loading images using the graphics module |
triangle_table | This lists the fields that the internals of the engine use for storing triangles. |
callbacks | A list of all the callbacks provided by the plugin api for you to use to integrate your plugin deeper into C3D |
introduction | a guide to show how to setup a basic plugin |